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Throughout The Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare often presents love as a contract between two people, though these two parties are rarely equal. In this extract, there is evidence to suggest that...
Conservative ideals of women appraise conventional piety to encourage such ideology, and in doing so, naturally demonise any contrary versions of womanhood to the status quo. The archetypal chaste women, ...
I believe that it is really important to use your imagination and creativity skills when reading an extract. Imagine reading the extract from a birds eye view and taking into account everyones per...
Have you seen anything or had any thoughts recently on something that you are interested it? Perhaps an interaction with a recent classmate, a dream you recently had. What are your hobbies? Something you ...
In her novel, Shelley uses a frame narrative to present the Creature as a stereotypical gothic villain through the perspectives of Walton and Frankenstein. She does this by using adjectives with negative ...
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