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We start by parsing the sentence (find subject, establish sequence of tenses and what we are being tested on here)
Lead student to point out it has a historic introductory verb and we are dealing w...
In latin, there are three main ways of expressing fear. In any instance when the verb "timeo" (I fear) is used in latin you must take care to translate it correctly. The first me...
The verb impero, unlike the verb iubeo is used in a normal indirect command. A normal indirect command takes ut + subjunctive whereas iubeo takes the accusative infinitive construction as though it is an ...
The subjunctive is a “mood” it demonstrates possibility and is used in certain grammatical structures. There is no pattern to these - you just have to learn them!
The most common are: purpose clau...
The best way to tackle an unseen translation is with a calm and systematic approach. The student should start by skimming the passage to get a general sense of key themes and content, and also note the me...
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