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The easiest way to go about answering the early comprehension questions is to attempt to just translate the passage and if you get stuck to make an educated guess based on what you can understand and what...
What we first recognise about Tacitus and his characters is that, in spite of his notorious claim “consilium mihi pauca […] tradere […] sina ira et studio”, “my aim is to relate a few accounts without ang...
The first job is to spot the verb in the sentence - usually, it is located at or near to the end of the sentence. Here, it is "faciebat" - parsing it we get to a 3rd person singular imperfect ve...
The important thing to remember for these questions is to be as focused as possible - the examiner doesn't want a thesis!
You need to provide 4 points from the passage, which comment on both the Answered by William T. • Latin tutor1759 Views
First thing is to find the nominative, which in this case is Caesar. Then the main verb which is oppugnavit. You should identify the tense and person of the verb, here it is past tense and 3rd person sing...
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