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If you have got to the interview stage of an Oxbridge application then the Director of Studies or whoever is conducting the interview is obviously interested in you, they know that you are a capable stude...
Interviewers fundamentally want to know whether you’ll be interesting to teach. “Supervisions”, or “tutorials”, are what makes the teaching at Oxbridge unique. A focus on regular, small group teaching is ...
You should not be intimidated when it comes to writing your personal statement: it is simply a chance for you to bring together the best of what you have read on the subject that you (hopefully) love. Wha...
Vying away from the simple 'be yourself' or 'be passionate about your subject' which are both terribly vague and difficult concepts to teach, the simplest and best secret I can give to anyone applying for...
The key to writing a personal statement is to make it personal. Avoid using flowery language that you wouldn't use in everyday life, keep it professional sounding but make sure its your own voice. Make su...
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