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When it comes to making an application to Oxford or Cambridge, the key is to be specific. You have to remember that you will be competing against the best students from all across the world, so your perso...
There are two important things to bear in mind when starting the personal statement, as it can seem a daunting task: firstly, to remember that this will be read by all universities applied to, not just Ox...
Oxbridge seek to admit people that will do well in an environment that is extremely stressful, academically intense (a LOT of reading), and driven by competition (you need to be passionate about and good ...
Beyond the 'typical medical school interview questions' that are still fair game, oxbridge interviews are infamous for employing an array of unconventional questions that can be intimidating for the unpre...
Whilst it is unlikely that an A-level student would be able to give the 'expected' answer to this question, as this would require knowledge of the biological phenomena of circadian rhythms, this question ...
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