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It is very important to have a general idea of what is going on in the world prior to your interview, and a good place to start is by reading the news daily. It doesn't have to be for long, provided you a...
The short answer is no, not really.
Each colllege is different - the number of students in each year group, whether it's old or new, whether it's central or slightly outside of town.
But th...
The most important thing to remember is that your interviewer will most likely also be a supervisor/tutor. Therefore, the best thing to do is to come across as someone they'd enjoy supervising and as some...
This is a classic style of Oxbridge interview question, where the candidate is presented with a question on a topic they won't have seen before, and is expected to work logically using the information pro...
Well, first we can notice that we can think about the table being covered with dominos. Each possible domino we can put on the table ends up increasing our final sum by one, since one of the two squares w...
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