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College selection is a really important part of the Oxbridge application process, and it is often downplayed by schools or the universities themselves. Off the bat, I'd like to emphasise that you open you...
Rather than declaring a given number as an ideal sample size, it's better to look at what the study is looking for and what type of experimental method is used. For lab experiments looking at the effects ...
At your interview, you will most likely be questioned by someone who teaches the course; if you get an offer, they will be closely involved with your progress and might even supervise you personally. Unsu...
This depends on how we define the concept of "law", which academic scholars have been at war over for decades. Some people take what's called a teleological point of view, where the procedure th...
Oxbridge medical questions look for 'how you think' rather than knowledge above A-level standard. For a particular topic, they may start on A-level material to warm you up, and then ask follow-up question...
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