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(Note that a question like this would be done in parts, with interviewers guiding candidates through the questions based on their answers and their thought processes).
This looks like the outer pro...
With regards to the Oxford interview, the tutors want to see your knowledge, of course. More important, however, is your attitude and your ability to think on the spot. They want to accept students who ar...
The best way to prepare for your Oxbridge Economics interview is to be on top of all your A-level mathematics knowledge and to practise solving maths problems. I recommend trying the UKMT Senior papers fo...
More than anything they're looking for your keenness and ability to learn. In your interview they will likely ask you questions based on your preparatory material and your personal statement, but they are...
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."
The sentence introduces one of the main themes of the plot, the pu...
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