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When it comes to writing your best essay you often don't realise how good it is until you've finished it. A whole load of factors contribute to your pride and joy such as interest levels, time spent prepa...
From my own experience and asking other people and tutors I think the most vital thing to do is be enthusiastic and passionate about your subject. If you can demonstrate a real, genuine interest in your s...
Being quizzed in an interview isn't as daunting an idea as it seems, while the interviewers will be keen to evaluate how well you handle new information, they also know that you can talk at length about t...
The Oxbridge personal statement style is slightly different from that of other universities, and it is important that you don’t cater your statement towards one university in particular. While it is true ...
Oxbridge admissions tutors see the interview as an opportunity for you to demonstrate your passion for and knowledge about your subject. There are several different interview formats, depending on the sub...
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