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Oxbridge admissions tutors are not looking for someone who is good at maths at school, they are looking for someone who will thrive studying mathematics at university. These are often two very different t...
Oxbridge applications focus on academic merit, so extracurricular activities are not as important as your school may have led you to believe (although if there is something really impressive, don't leave ...
The importance of college selection is often underplayed by the university attempting to make what is often a daunting decision seem easier to make. Whilst it is true students will more often than not war...
Don't worry, they are doing this on purpose! Oxbridge interviews aren't meant to trick you, but they are meant to test how you cope with new information and working things out on your own.
The inte...
This question tests Oxbridge interview skills, mainly in area of Medicine. Purpose of the tutor is to guide the student through the dilemma and provide factual information or leading questions when stuck....
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