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The first and most important thing is to answer the question! This may sound simple but it requires good reading of the question. For example, if your question said something like 'To what extent are theo...
Life is sacred for many people practising religion especially, as life is God-given and must be preserved. For example, Roman Catholics believe every life is sacred, therefore any practise like abortion i...
Kant's categorical imperative is stated as "Act only according to that maximAnswered by Harout K. • Philosophy and Ethics tutor2098 Views
When discussing the person of Jesus one can consider three interpretations: Jesus as the son of God,(regarding his divine nature, his knowledge of it and how it impacted other aspects of his personality),...
The Design Argument for the existence of God suggests that, due to the unexplainable complexity of the world around us, there must have been an intelligent 'designer' who created it. The argument is well ...
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