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With regard to religion, one criticism against Wittgenstein's language games could be that this idea completely closes off the subject of religion for discussion. By suggesting that only those involved in...
The inductive nature of the argument from religious experience can at first be a very convincing point for the existence of God. The premise states that if something is experienced, it must exist, and evi...
Utilitarianism is the normative ethical theory which holds that the moral decisions should be based on the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number. It is often referred to as a teleological o...
Kantian ethics is deontological, meaning that the actions rather than the consequences matter in ethical decision making. For Kant, the essence of morality is the goodwill, and, reason is at the centre of...
Things don’t change themselves, they are always changed by something, for example; a marble block into a statue. In order for change to occur, the mover must be in the new state in order to change the obj...
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