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Initially one might argue that one cannot know one has hands, because any past experience of hands could merely be a dream about hands. After all, and as Descartes suggested, dreams often feel real...
The question asks which normative moral theory is the best at serving some kind of purpose, so to properly answer this question we need to consider multiple normative moral theories. The three ma...
In order to respond to this question, I shall begin by eliciting the students' existing knowledge on the matter. I may ask, 'what can you tell me about Aquinas' theory?' Depending on the response, I will ...
One important aspect of Descartes epistemology is the reason for which Descartes employed the method of doubt in an attempt to reach knowledge. Although it may appear that Scepticism is incompatible with ...
A priori knowledge is knowledge that can be obtained without experience of the outside world- your internal thoughts alone can provide you with a priori knowledge.A posteriori knowledge is knowledge that ...
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