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The most important thing is to have an argument running through your whole paper and to be very clear throughout what the overall conclusion you are aiming at is. A good idea, especially in shorter papers...
Firstly we cannot conceive of a mind without a body. Descartes claims that he can conceive of the mind and body being distinct from one another. However, this is not the case, when we attempt to conceive ...
Substance dualism is the belief that the mind and the body are separate substances and are therefore not identical. Descartes conceivability argument for substance dualism claims that because Descartes ca...
The key to obtaining all the marks in an IB philosphy exam is to know the structure of an essay and to have a clear approach to answer all (or almost all) the topics that are covered in the IB philosphy s...
Descartes made a philosophical distinction between the substances of body and mind. He identified seperate essences for the mind and the body, describing the mind as a non-extended thinking thing, whilst ...
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