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The body analogy is used by the Functionalists to show the way in which society functions as an organism. It argues that society is made up of various institutions that act as vital organs and enable soci...
The tradiitional idea of a nuclear family, consisting of a husband and wife and their children, can still be seen as the dominant form of family today, however changes in society in recent decades have se...
A beanpole family is a multi-generational extended family, this means that there are many different generations within the family that have few siblings in each generation.
One way in which the family socializes individuals into their culture is through the use of certain sanctions. Sanctionss are positive or negative reinforcements of certain behaviour that can be reflected...
Cultural deprivation within education is when a pupil may lack a resource that would potentially benefit their educational achievement and success. For example; working class pupils from deprived backgrou...
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