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One criticism of the functionalist based explanations of crime and deviance is that functionalists rely on a pattern of crime shown in official crime statistics. However, a lot of crime is never actually ...
A 9 mark question should be in three paragraphs. You will get one mark for each of the three criticisms identified. To gain the further six marks, you must give a satisfactory ex...
A key part of sociology is learning theoretical perspectives; the more perspectives one uses the more marks they gain. All students are taught the same type of perspectives, i.e. Marxism, Feminism, Functi...
To improve your grade from a B to an A your exam answer must be in depth and concise. A B grade student will include key terminology that will earn marks for knowledge; however, an A grad...
Generally, while this differs in term of exam board specification and type of question, two or three as focal points seems to be a fairly good rule of thumb. Any more prevents adequate discussion and mean...
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