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Accent marks, or 'tildes' can be tricky in Spanish, and in some cases they are just diacritical marks, meaning they indicate that two words have different meanigs as in 'más' (more) and 'mas' (but). Howev...
In Spanish, there are two separate words for 'to be' and it is important to know in which situations we use each one.The verb 'ser' has a more permanent connotation, it is used to describe personali...
The preterite is used to explain something in the past which has a definite beginning and ending such as ‘Ayer, fui a la playa’ meaning yesterday I went to the beach. The time phrase indicates that the ac...
Preterite: Refers to actions which took place and were completed at some point in the past. In this context it may be accompanied by time phrases such as 'ayer', 'el lunes pasado', 'hace ...
Preterite is used for completed actions in the past such as 'fui al baile anoche' 'I went to the dance last night'. This action is completed as you're not still at last night's dance. Furthermore, if you'...
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