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To form the imperfect tense in Spanish, first you take the infinitive of the verb, then you chop off the -ar/-er/-ir to be left with the stem. eg. jugar -> jugar -> jug.....
Imagine a long line stretching from the present moment all the way back into the past. We can explain these two tenses by the way we mark them on the line. The preterite tense, generally representing past...
Durante las vacaciones, visité otro país con mi familia, compuesto de mi madre, mi padre, mis cuatro hermanos y yo. Viajamos a Francia por el tren, y llegamos en Paris. Lo pasé fenomenal porque hicimos mu...
In all languages, verbs follow certain grammatical rules. In Spanish, all verbs are made up of a stem (which tells you what action is being done) and an ending (which spe...
The imperfect tense is used for ongoing actions (e.g. was doing) or actions done regularly in the past (e.g. used to do). It is formed by taking the endings off a verb to form its "stem". For -a...
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