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When high levels of glucose in the blood are detected, insulin is released from beta cells in the islets of Langerhan in the pancreas.Insulin then binds to insulin receptors of cells, which causes an incr...
The heart is a muscular pump. It can be divided into 4 chambers: 2 atria and 2 ventricles. Each atrium is connected to its ventricle by a small opening. This opening is covered by a valve, which guards th...
The cell cycle is divided into interphase and mitotic phase (and cytokinesis). Interphase occupies most of the cell cycle (90% in mammals) and can be ref...
the heart is myogenic - meaning it can carry an electrical impulse without the use of neurons. This signal causes contraction of the different cardiac chambers it passes through. The ECG, or electrocardio...
Context: We often think of a linear model of one pre-synaptic neurone linking up with one post-synaptic neurone. In reality, the nervous system is a large network, many pre-synaptic neuro...
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