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At resting potential the voltage of the cell is ~ -65mV A neurone sends an impulse from sensory receptorsThis causes sodium ion channels to open on the dendritesThis allows the movement of Na+ ions into t...
A substitution mutation is when one base is swapped for another base.There are several reasons why this might not change the functioning of an enzyme: DNA is a degenerative code. This means there is...
1.Capture/collect sample, mark and release 2.Method of marking does not harm/distinguish lizard 3.Leave sufficient time for lizards to (randomly) distribute (on island) before coll...
The blood enters the heart from the superior and inferior vena cava. It then enters the right atrium. When the atria fill with blood, it's known as atrial systole as they are relaxed. Once the atria have ...
The mammalian respiratory system is adapted for efficient gas exchange by increasing the rate of diffusion through targeted manipulations of Fick's law. These manipulations are centred around maximising s...
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