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Write the equation and balance it. CH4 + 2O2 --> CO2 + 2H2O Assign the enthalpies of formation and the sign of the energy value with the corresponding molecule (Will demonstrate my technique if needed)...
Ethane is a symmetric molecule, therefore both groups of hydrogens occur in the same region and not in two different regions (for example chloroethane would have two different regions). Using the n+1 rule...
With the first electron affinity, the chlorine atom is one electron from a full octet ( and is a neutral species). When you add an electron to the chlorine, the negatively charged electron is electrostati...
With phenol, the oxygen atom is directly attached to the delocolised pi system in phenol, as a result the lone pair on this oxygen is incorporated into this delocolised pi system in phenol, increasing it'...
To explain this question let us use an example of reacting Bromoethane (CH3CH2Br) with ammonia (NH3). As bromine is more electronegative than carbon (electronegativity being the ability of an element to a...
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