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'le, la , les' are called definite articles or articles définis and they are used when speaking of something specific or that has previously been mentioned. These article...
The two main aptitudes tested by the A level film essay (for most boards you will have the option to write an essay either about a French film or a French language text) is your understanding of the film ...
'Qui' and 'que' are relative pronouns, both meaning either 'who' or that'/'which'. The problem is that the French grammar works differently to English grammar when it comes to relative pronouns, meaning a...
The subjunctive is a verb form which is used to express uncertainty, a feeling or a mood. It is used frequently in French: common expressions such as 'je veux que' (I want...), 'il faut que' (it's necessa...
Both the imperfect and perfect tense evoke actions in the past, however they are used differently.The imperfect is used to describe something or someone, to talk about a habit (an action that was done ove...
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