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The "si" clause in French can use a few different tenses depending on what kind of hypothesis you want to talk about. There are three main uses that each use a different combination of tenses. <...
The past historic, (usually called the passé simple in French), is a past tense used in written narrative. It conveys past, completed actions th...
1. Depuis I. If you want to say you have done something since a certain point in time, you use depuis with the present tense. o Je travaille comme professeur depuis 2017 >> I’ve worked as...
In French, there are three different ways to express "what" in a sentence; one can use ce qui, ce que, or ce dont. To understand when to use which one it is helpful to...
Encore plus que la précédente, la génération "digital native" vit dans un univers massivement visuel. La consommation multimédia de la jeunesse en atteste. En 2009, les jeunes de 15 à 25 ans pas...
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