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The conditional tense is a tense used to express a hypothetical situation - in English, for example, we might say 'that would be a lot of fun'. It refers to something which may or may not happen in the fu...
The subjunctive in French is a special verb form (called a mood) which is used to express doubt or uncertainty, for example following phrases such as 'je ne pense pas que', 'je doute que', 'je ne crois pa...
Passé Composé is a past tense used to talk about a completed action that has already been done in the past, something that we know has ended when we are talking about it: "Hier, le garçon est allé à ...
Generally speaking, it depends on whether the verb conjugates with 'avoir' or 'etre'. Should the verb require 'etre', the past participle agrees with the gender and number, e.g. elle est sortie.The...
The subjunctive is a 'mood' commonly used in the French language to convey judgement or attitude rather than a fact. It is a 'mood' and not a tense because many of the tenses take the subjunctive. The sub...
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