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There are different components to this question: Migration into the UK continues to change on a consistent basis. In the past, following the end of the war this saw an influx of families on a large ...
China is a BRIC, or emerging, country and is challenging the USA for superpower status1) Economically low cost labour - cheap manufacturing costs - can outpace US companieslarge volume of exports - US rel...
Habitat change is one of the most prominent threats to biodiversity, driven by the conversion of natural land to agricultural areas. It leads to large declines in species numbers and species diversity wit...
These are geographical terms which are commonly mixed up, due to the similar nature of the terms. In brief, the difference is simple - glacial erosion is the erosion process and consequences physically c...
For longer answer questions, examiners want to see you demonstrate a higher level of analysis and evaluation. The short mark answers rely solely on knowledge but the longer marks require you to do more wi...
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