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Le mie vacanze di Natale non sono state particolarmente emozionanti. Alla mia famiglia piace rispettare le tradizioni, quindi ho passato la vigilia coi miei nonni paterni e il giorno di natale con la nonn...
Step 1: To find the points of intersection, we must find where the y and x values are equal. Therefore 5-x=x2-3x+2 where the y-values are equal.
Step 2: Rearrange the above into the quad...
This answer is easiest explained using the whiteboard in the interview. The question is basically asking for algebraic long division, we know (x+3) is a factor and are tasked with finding the other 2. We ...
(Much easier to explain in conversation and with drawings): But,
An application of the quotient rule, stating that for f(x)=a(x)/b(x), f'(x) = a'(x)b(x) - a(x)b'(x) all over [b(x))]^2 Here, a(x) =...
Use the product rule: Let u = cos3x , v = cosec4x Then du/dx = -3sin3x , dv/dx = -4cosec4xcot4x (standard result, given in the formula booklet) Hence dy/dx = -4cosec4xcot4xcos3x - 3sin3xcosec4x . (...
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