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To formulate an answer to this question requires some thought into what actually constitutes a science. Science requires the standardisation of procedures when conducting a study, in order to control for ...
A range of studies actually counteract this theory in that we don’t necessarily attach to those that feed us. For example Lorenz’s geese imprinted before they were fed and maintained these no matter who f...
The working memory model, developed by Baddeley and Hitch (1974), is an explanation of how short-term memory is organised, taken from criticism of the multi-store model of memory. There are different comp...
The biological approach in psychology assumes that, to be able to fully understand human behaviour, we must look at biological structures and processes in the body, for example our genes and neurotransmit...
The first difference is that procedural memory is our memory of an action, or skill. For example, how to ride a bike, drive a car, swim. Whereas episodic memory is the ability to recall specific events (e...
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