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Most cases of scarlet fever occur in children. Adults have usually developed immunity to a toxin that the Streptococcus bacteria produce during infection. Explain how an adult develops immunity.

The adult was exposed to the toxin when they were a child, this developed an immune response. This immune response stimulated B lymphocytes to proliferate, these then made memory B lymphocytes. The memory...

Charles B. avatar
Answered by Charles B. Biology tutor

Define Photosynthesis

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen using light. To do this plants need chlorophyll.

Answered by James S. Biology tutor

Describe the structure of proteins in terms of Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary structures

The primary structure comprises of the original sequence of amino acids resulting in a polymer of amino acids. These are joined to adjacent amino acids through by peptide bonds, formed by condensation rea...

Answered by Kashif Q. Biology tutor

What are the differences between mitosis and meiosis?

Both are forms of cell division Mitosis"Normal" cell division- how cells increase in number 1 "parent" cell produces 2 "daughter" cells All the cells involved are gene...

Answered by Amy B. Biology tutor

A-Level question: How is blood glucose regulated?

Blood glucose must be regulated, normal blood glucose for a non-diabetic person is 4.0-5.9mmol. A low blood glucose (sugar) is harmful and a high blood can indicate diabetes. the pancreas and liver and cr...

Answered by Erin J. Biology tutor

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