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Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) secreted from the pituitary gland stimulates egg maturation and oestrogen secretion from the ovaries. Oestrogen in turn inhibits FSH release and stimulates luteinising h...
Vaccination involves administering a dead or inactive form of a pathogen to a subject, which stimulates white blood cells into producing antibodies specific for that pathogen. If the subject encounters th...
Doctors can ensure that there is a reduced number of antiobiotics prescribed for patients. They can also make sure that patients are fully evaluated so as to stop the prescription of antibiotics for viral...
Firstly, it is important to read the question, it says what is the difference so we need to look at the differences between the two processes. Diffussion is the movement of particles from an area of high ...
An enzyme is a protein which acts as a biological catalyst, to speed up reactions. It has an active site which is a very specific shape to allow it to bond to a particular reagent and catalyse a specific ...
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