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Explanation of keys words first; a gene is a section of DNA that codes for a particular characteristic such as eye colour. An allele is a version of a gene (e.g. an allele for the eye colour gene could co...
Marram grass is an example of a plant adapted to its environment, as it lives on sand dunes where the environment is harsh. The sand its roots are in means water will drain away and its closeness to the s...
Haemoglobin is a protein made up of 4 sub-units. Each sub-unit has a molecule of un-oxygenated Iron. Oxygen covalently bonds to the Iron and is thereby carried by the blood as Oxy-haemoglobin. Oxy-haemogl...
A group of similar tissues that work together to perform a particular function.
Air always moves from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure, an example of this is when there is a puncture in a tyre. The air in the tyre is at higher pressure than normal and so when t...
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