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The best way to prepare for an unseen poem is to practice close analysis before hand. There are certain things that will always be applicable for poetry. You're going to want to talk about the structure o...
Approaching unseen poetry that you haven't been able to revise beforehand can seem daunting, but once you have a certain set of skills you'll be able to apply them to any text you come across! With practi...
During this extract Lady Macbeth can be seen as in control through her extensive use of imperatives such as "give me the daggers!" In this sentence Lady Macbeth is subverting the traditional fem...
Miranda opens the passage with a speech that confesses her ignorance of the world beyond her isle, "How features are abroad I am skilless of". In response, Ferdinand is thereby quick to proclaim...
When analysing poetry, it is essential to consider not only the language features present, but also the structural devices employed by a poet. This will make your analysis more comprehensive; often studen...
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