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Start off with a simple and short introduction that clarifies your ideas, and 'flow' of your essay (where your argument will lead). In this introduction, include the points of focus that you will explore ...
P(oint) E(vidence) E(xplanation) L(ink) is a simple and helpful way to structure an English literature essay in note form. A strong paragraph will intertwine PEEL...
No one can predict which poem will appear in the Unseen Poetry section of your GCSE, but becoming more comfortable with identifying poetic techniques and why poets might use these to achieve a particular ...
Approaching unseen poetry can be daunting, however it is important to remember all of the skills you have learnt when analysing your poetry anthologies in class and apply them to this section of the paper...
Many French novels of the eighteenth-century were ostensibly feminocentric, extolling the reign of powerful and mythical women. However, while women and their destiny were often placed at the heart of fic...
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