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It is important that you consider a range of factors during your answer, in order to prove your understanding of the subject matter and access the higher marks. Typically for the 16 mark answers you will ...
The first thing to remember in a question such as this is that an introduction is NOT needed. It wastes time and will not allow you to evaluate the source fully. The question is Answered by Daniel D. • History tutor3104 Views
The Berlin Blockade began on the 24th June 1948. It occurred during the division of Germany following Germany's defeat in World War Two. It was decided by the wartime allies that Germany be divided into f...
Understanding the causes of Union victory in the American Civil War remains a widely debated historiographical topic. Therefore, in order to determine why the Confederacy lost the war one must assess both...
Must identify two problems and expand on each one to get full marks:FDR faced opposition from the Supreme Court as they ruled some aspects were unconstitutional, thus preventing legislation and progress. ...
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