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AQA example responses ask for students to 'demonstrate knowledge of the key features and characteristics of the periods studied (AO1a) [and] Demonstrate understanding of the key features and characteristi...
I would first read or look at the source on a basis of content, without the question in mind, to make sure I understood what it was I was looking at or what was being said. Then I would revisit the source...
Structure of the answer:This essay should include a clear introduction, between 2 - 4 clear and distinct paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should lay out your main arguments ...
The 1905 Revolution shook Tsar Nicholas' power, yet he survived the rebellion by using using two main strategies. Firstly, Nicholas conceded some degree of power to the Russian Parliament, known as the Du...
During his time in power, Stalin reinforced a ‘cult of personality’ throughout Soviet Russia in order to push through his most radical economic reforms. Indeed, the cult was inaugurated during Stalin’s 50...
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