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The easiest way to remember the differences is the fact that, for this period in particular, they are inherently opposite ideals. Capitalism in the USA at this time denoted democratic elections for govern...
The American Civil War had a major impact in American economy; while the North flourished, the South was left in ruins. The South, an agriculutural society, lost its ability to exploit profitable slave la...
The Battle of the Somme in 1916 is known as one of the most bloody battles that Britain has participated in, with estimates that over one million soldiers had died by its conclusion in November.The primar...
The chartist movement lacked coordination, small numbers of chartists organised themselves in local areas and maintained little connection to each other which made cooperation on a national level difficul...
[Note at least three potential causes of WWII] Three causes of WWII include: the Treaty of Versailles; the Great Depression; and the policy of Appeasement. [Contrast cause 1 with cause 2, and then cause 3...
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