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The behavioural approach to phobias argues that maladaptive learning results in a conditioned fear of a stimulus. Classical conditioning refers to learning through association, thereby in the case of Litt...
P-Protection from harm, emotional and physical C-Confidentiality, all participants' information is kept anonymous and not shared with third parties W-Withdraw, all participants maintain the right to withd...
DOPAMINE = Responsible for motivation/reward. Important in addictive behaviour. Dopamine is released when doing a rewarding behaviour. Drugs increase dopamine levels. Can be environmental → seeing a pack ...
Both types of memories have their separate stores in the brain. Short term memories are held briefly (15-20 seconds) and if not rehearsed and kept active in the short term store, the memories will be forg...
Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) proposed a model of memory that consists of three stores: the sensory store, short-term memory and long-term memory. The sensory store receives information about the world fro...
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