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Before you begin to write an essay/respond to the question, you need to make a 5-10 minute plan roughly stating your factors/points for each paragraph, and 2-3 facts that you will include to back up each ...
Generally speaking, historical events of importance are ones that change the current situation, either: economically (economic crash such as 1929 Wall Street Crash = regression in development?/how...
There are so many different ways to develop your English skills. However, the main two formats of this are: learning, and application. So, you need a basis of knowledge to make up any of the other...
You need to remember: context, analysis, writer's method/technique and spelling/grammar (watch out for common errors such as confusing: their, they're, and there, and also focus on your punc...
Continually link back to the question itself, and reference/cite the question at the start and end of each paragraph, and/or wherever else you see fit. This heightens your analysis and response through a ...
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