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A transition metal is an element that forms one or more stable ions with partially filled d-orbitals
A writer shapes meaning through utilising what they have to work with: words. Therefore, they use intricate methods such as metaphors and hyperboles in order to effectively create 2+ layers to the words o...
The resting potential is a result of the concentrations of the sodium and potassium ions inside the neuron compared to outside. The leaky channels in the sensory neuron membrane allow the movement of Na+ ...
Marxism is integral to Miller's 'Death of a Salesman' and his belief that the "common man is as apt a subject for tragedy in its highest sense as kings were". In the play, Miller presents the pe...
The water potential of the concentrated sugar solution is much lower than the water potential inside the cells of the potato chip. Therefore, the water molecules move down a concentration gradient out of ...
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