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Start off with a simple and short introduction that clarifies your ideas, and 'flow' of your essay (where your argument will lead). In this introduction, include the points of focus that you will explore ...
In order to have a high-level conclusion, you need to go through 4 phases. Stating your argument (that you have reinforced throughout the entirety of the essay), stating the counter argument, discrediting...
Cliffs are shaped through a combination of erosion and weathering. The erosive forces of hydraulic action and abrasion as well as the processes of weathering, such as freeze-thaw and carbonation, can cont...
Firstly you need to practise again and again different segments of listening exam materials as these are key to allow you to train your ears to the French nature accent, which lets you pick up key words t...
A first messenger is a hormone which binds to a receptor on the plasma membrane of a cell and causes a change to happen inside the cell
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