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Firstly we cannot conceive of a mind without a body. Descartes claims that he can conceive of the mind and body being distinct from one another. However, this is not the case, when we attempt to conceive ...
Substance dualism is the belief that the mind and the body are separate substances and are therefore not identical. Descartes conceivability argument for substance dualism claims that because Descartes ca...
Structure is imperative, and must be taken into account whenever you're writing an exam response. If a response includes all the relevant content, examples, and explanation, without a clear and fluid stru...
Baddeley and Hitch (1974) developed a multi store model of short term memory (STM) called the ‘working memory model’. Their model proposed that STM, rather than being a single store, was in fact an active...
One explanation for obedience is an agentic state. This explanation claims that a person obeys when they are in such a state, this state is characterised by the person viewing themselves as not responsibl...
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