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Central Banks have introduced Quantitative Easing (QE) as an additional mechanism to stimulate inflation in the economy.The two mechanisms that drive inflation (theoretically as this has not been proven a...
A market failure is when an allocation of resources has a negative effect on a third party that is outside the market mechanism. The third party effects are negative externalities. Increasing transport us...
Inflation is the increase in general price levels in an economy. It is measured by two indices; retail price inflation (RPI) and consumer price inflation (CPI). CPI is the more common measure and measures...
A Sequential Hermaphrodite is when an organism (often fish) is born as one sex, but later in life changes sex. Eg Clownfish are born male but the largest becomes female. This is important in fish populat...
When is Children’s Day? Children's day is on the 9th of September.Who came to visit him on that day? His friends from school came to visit.How did he feel about the day? He felt like it was a...
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