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What type of school does he attend? Satoshi is currently a middle school student.What type of music does he like? He likes to listen rock m...
The diaphragm flattens and moves downwards and the intercostal muscles contract, moving the rib cage up and out. This increases the space inside the thoracic cavity. This reduces the pressure because ther...
Gradient of AB: Change in Y/ Change in X .... (6-1)/(10-0) = 0.5Gradient of line perpendicular to AB: NEGATIVE (flip the sign) RECIPROCAL (flip th...
The key thing to notice here is that d must have the factors 4,3 and 2. The number 12 is the smallest to contain all those factors. We can then deduce c=6, b=4 and a=3 to get k=77.
In every language, there is an observable both linguistic and social distinction between the standard, non-regional variety, which is generally seen as more prestigious by its speakers, and its dialectal ...
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