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During an individuals life arteries become covered in fatty plaque deposits. This causes the the inside (lumen) of the arteries to narrow. This narrowing increases the likelyhood of blockage of platelets ...
Proteins are synthesised in the ribosomes from mRNA and tRNA nucleotides. Proteins enter the rough ER and are bound to vesicles here. The vesicles detach from the rough ER and transport the proteins to t...
Respiration is the biochemical breakdown of glucose in the cell to prouce energy in a usable form of ATP (the body's energy currency). Respiration can be in the presence of oxygen (aerobic) or without oxy...
The efficiency of gas exchange across a surface is determined by Fick's Law. Fick's Law states that, for the diffusion of a gas to be efficient, three conditions should be met. Firstly, the surface area o...
Q: Chlorophyll b, chlorophyll a and carotene are all key pigments in the photorespiration process. a) Explain the role of pigments in the production of ATP [3], b) Explain the role of ATP in the c...
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