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In mitosis there are four phases: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. The first step is early Prophase, where chromosomes condense and become visible through supercoiling and simultaneously spind...
Atmospheric CO2 is used by trees for photosynthesis. Deforestation means that there are less trees undergoing this photosynthesis reaction, so less CO2 is taken from the atmosphere. The trees that are cut...
Glycogen is the storage form of glucose found in liver and muscle cells. It is formed during glycogenesis when excess blood glucose is taken up into liver and muscle cells via insulin release. When blood ...
A receptor, such as the eye, detects stimuli so that impulses can be sent to the approriate effector, such as an arm, which will convert the impulse into a response.
In order to answer the question, it is important to understand the terminology used. The neuromuscular junction refers to the communication between a neuron (neuro) and muscle cell (muscular). There are m...
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