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Homeostasis works as a negative feedback mechanism meaning when a certain factor goes too high or too low the body will work to reverse it and bring it back to normal i.e. if temperature ...
Proto-oncogenes and the tumour suppressor genes are the two different genes that control cell division. A mutation in the tumour suppressor gene can cause it to deactivate because tumour suppressor genes ...
Although the theoretical yield can be up to 38 ATP molecules per molecule of glucose, this yield is very rarely achieved. It is important to consider at which stages the losses o...
The heart is myogenic meaning that impulses (action potentials) are stimulated from the pacemaker cells of the heart. These action potentials are initiated from the sinoatrial node (SAN) which are a clust...
Arteries carry blood away from the heart whereas/or veins carry blood towards the heart.M2: Arteries have much thicker walls than veins (due to the thicker muscle and elastic layers) M3: Veins tend to hav...
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