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Oxygen+glucose=Carbon dioxide+water6O2 +C6H12O6=6CO2+6H2OATP (universal energy currency) is released/formed alongside this reaction
They are where photosynthesis takes place, providing food for the plant. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll pigment, which makes it green, which harvests the light needed for photosynthesis.
There is variation naturally present between members of a species. These variations can prove advantagous, thus making an individual in a species better adapted for survival. For example, giraffes with a ...
Replication- Porkaryotes undergo binary fission, whereas eukaryotes undergo mitosis/meiosisOrganelle- Prokaryotes have no membrane bound organelle. Ribosomes in prokaryotes are 70S and 80S in eukaryotes. ...
Answer:A dead or inactive or weak form of pathogen is introduced. (Don't say Germ)This stimulates white cells / lymphocytes / leucocytes - B and T cells (not phagocytes)to produce antibodies. Antib...
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