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At the Bowman's Capsule, the blood undergoes ultrafiltration. This is when the smaller molecules in the blood are forced through the partially permeable membrane of the Bowman's Capsule. This is because t...
The lungs are highly specialised. They have alveoli which are small air sacs. Alveoli give the lungs a big surface area, meaning that more oxygen can diffuse from the lungs into the blood stream, and more...
A cytoskeleton is a structure that acts as a support for the cell. It also maintains the cell shape, holds and moves organelles. It is made from a fibre network dispered in the cell cytoplasm, attached in...
When blood glucose concentration rises above its optimum level of 90mg/100cm3, it is detected by β-cells in the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. These β-cells release insulin into the bloo...
Alpha cells in the islets of Langerhans (pancreas)
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