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When blood glucose levels drop too low it is detected by hypothalamus. The release of insulin by the pancreas is stopped so no more glucose is converted to glycogen. Instead glycogen, which is stored in t...
Prokaryotic DNA is different to eukaryotic DNA in that prokaryotic DNA is circular, and thus has an origin of replication. When replication starts, it starts at this origin and occurs Answered by Molina D. • Biology tutor2006 Views
Animals and plants display structural and behavioural adaptations to their surroundings. Each animal and plant faces certain challenges to their survival such as predators, harsh weather or low food resou...
Antibodies and antigens are made out of proteins. Proteins have a specific primary structure. The primary structure is the sequence of the amino acids that make up the protein. This sequence is specific t...
There are four bases- ATGC adenine, thymine guanine and cytosine.
Each base is attached to a deoxyribose sugar and a phosphate sugar. This makes up a nucleotide. Three nucleotides are called a codo...
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