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Enzymes are protein molecules responsible for the catalysis-the increase in the rate of a reaction- of reactions taking place within our body. They are able to catalyse many reactions by their high specif...
Coenzymes contrary to their name aren't enzymes but are synthesised from vitamins. Their overall purpose is to bind to the active site of a specific enzyme to aid the binding of the complemenatry substrat...
This style of question is common and is often worth around 6 marks. You should address each of ions , water and sugar seperately to ensure that you get maximum marks.
Ions enter the plant via diffu...
Homeostasis is defined as a process to maintain a constant internal environment. There are multiple ways in which the body is able to maintain a constant internal temperature such as;
The major cellular feature which sets the distinction between a prokaryotic (‘pro’ – before, ‘karyon’ – kernel, nucleus) cell and a eukaryotic (‘eu’ – true, ‘karyon’ – kernel, nucleus) cell is the presenc...
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