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The equation for complete combustion is:
hyrdocarbon + oxygen -> water + carbon dioxide
A plentiful supply of oxygen is required in order to ensure complete combustion....
Graphite is a mineral whose molecular structure is made up of carbon atoms.
A carbon atom can bind up to 4 other atoms around it (it has 4 electrons in its outer-most shell which it can ...
A salt is an ionic compound which is made up of two groups of oppositely charged ions.The overall compound of a salt compound must have an overall electrical charge of 0.Ammon...
In simple terms, we need to know whether a reactant is first, second or zero order if we want to understand what effect changing the concentration of that reactant has on the rate of the reaction.
Water is a polar solvent and methylbenzene is a non-polar solvent. A polar solvent will have positive and negative charge (in water, oxygen is slightly more negative and the hydrogen is slightly positi...
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